O firmě
Společnost Fevia s.r.o. byla založena v roce 2009. V současné době ji tvoří tým devíti inženýrů s mnohaletými zkušenostmi v oboru statiky a navrhování konstrukcí pozemních a inženýrských staveb. Investorům, architektům a dodavatelům nabízíme vypracování projektů ve všech stupních dokumentace, od studií proveditelnosti až po výrobní dokumentaci.
Na co se zaměřujeme
Naší specializací jsou ocelové konstrukce. Ve spolupráci s našimi externími partnery můžeme nabídnout i navazující betonové konstrukce. Zabýváme se také konstrukcemi dřevěnými a hliníkovými.
Jak pracujeme
Na základě zkušeností kombinujeme zavedené ruční postupy v předběžném návrhu s progresivními metodami pro podrobnou strukturální analýzu a pro návrh styčníků. Softwarová řešení (Scia Engineer, IDEA StatiCa) doplňujeme našimi interními programy založenými na nejnovějších publikacích ECCS, SCI a ICE. Navržené konstrukce modelujeme a sdílíme s našimi partnery pomocí nástrojů BIM (Advance Steel).
Zahraniční zkušenosti
Naši zaměstnanci mají zkušenosti s projektováním v konstrukčních kancelářích v Rakousku, Polsku, Francii a Hongkongu. Realizace dle našich projektů najdete v České republice, na Slovensku, v Polsku, Srbsku, Maďarsku, Španělsku, Německu, Kanadě, Alžírsku, Skotsku, nebo Jižní Africe.
Frantisek Pospisil – Director, T:+420 773 241 628
Ing. Frantisek Pospisil graduated from the Brno University of Technology, majoring in Construction and Transport Structures. From 1971 he worked at the Brno branch of Vitkovice as a designer of steel bridge structures. After 1989 foreign practice with activities in Austria and Germany. Between 1996 and 2007 co-owner of the OKF design office. In 2009 he co-founded Fevia Ltd. He is an authorized engineer for bridges and engineering structures, member of ČKAIT and ČSSI. He worked as a designer of steel bridges, for example in the project of the internationally awarded Bridge Over the Prokop Valley, or in a number of large motorway bridges on the D47 motorway. In the function of technical supervision he worked at the workshop and assembly acceptance, for example at the construction sites I / 56 Mistecka extension and I / 52 Brno-Rajhrad.
Zdenek Hornicek – Technical Director, T:+420 773 241 633
Ing. Zdenek Hornícek graduated from the Brno University of Technology, majoring in Construction and Transport Structures. Between 1996 and 2007 designer in OKF Ltd, specializing in composite steel-concrete bridges and hi-tech architecture. In 2009 he co-founded Fevia Ltd. From 2014 to 2015, he worked for Tony Gee and Partners (Asia) Ltd in Hong Kong. He is an authorized engineer for bridges and civil engineering, member of ČKAIT. He worked as a designer of steel bridges, for example in the projects of large motorway bridges across the Odra River and across the Ostravice River on the D47 motorway, or the Bridge over the Lochkov Valley on the Prague Ring Road. In the position of technical supervision, he worked as a head of team for ICE, workshop and assembly acceptances on the R1 Expressway in Slovakia.
Karel Vysata – Regional Director (SEA & UK), T:+65 9779 3625
Ir. Karel Vysata obtained his Master’s Degree in Structural and Civil Engineering at the Czech Technical University in 2004. After his graduation he spent over ten years working as a Bridge Engineer for leading multidisciplinary companies such as SWECO, Arup and Hewson Consulting Engineers in the United Kingdom. Since 2014, when Karel relocated to South East Asia, he has worked on many challenging bridge and underground projects for Tony Gee & Partners in Malaysia, AECOM in Hong Kong and for VSL International in Singapore. Over the years Karel has gained hands on experience in the design and execution of reinforced, pre-stressed and post-tensioned bridges including associated temporary steel works. He is a Chartered Civil Engineer registered as CEng IntPE(UK) with British Council and CEng(SG) with the Institution of Engineers Singapore. Karel is also a member of the Institution of Civil Engineers and Hong Kong Institution of Engineers.
Martin Krajicek – Principal Engineer, T:+420 773 246 603
Ing. Martin Krajicek graduated from Brno University of Technology, majoring in Construction Design and Statics. 1999 - 2001 designer at Metal Progres, specializing in cladding and heating technology, experience in production and construction preparation. 2002 - 2007 he worked in OKF Ltd, where he was involved in reconstruction, extension and strengthening of load-bearing steel and timber structures, as well as designing of glazed cladding. 2007 - 2009 worked as a designer and structural engineer in the Czech branch of the American engineering firm Fluor and Daniel, specializing in petrochemistry and power engineering. In 2009 he co-founded Fevia Ltd.
Dusan Fialka – Principal Engineer, T:+420 773 241 635
Ing. Dusan Fialka graduated from Brno University of Technology, majoring in Construction Design and Statics. 2004 - 2007 he worked in the OKF Ltd, where he participated in projects of steel structures of important buildings, such as the Moravian Regional Archive in Brno, the University Campus of MU Brno and others. In 2009 he co-founded Fevia Ltd. He specializes in calculations and assessment of fire resistance of steel elements.
Petr Chaloupka - Senior Engineer
Zdenek Machala - Senior Engineer
Kateřina Horníčková - Junior Engineer
Olga Kuttelwascherová - Junior Engineer
FEVIA s.r.o.
Hrnčířská 11
602 00 Brno
+420 549 213 896
IČ: 291 98 135
DIČ: CZ 291 98 135
Číslo účtu: 5009155001/5500 (Raiffeisenbank)